Impact Leadership

National Impact Networking Meetings in Wales

We are excited to invite you to a series of meetings that promise to be a game-changer for the youth sector in Wales. These events are brought to you by Youth Cymru in collaboration with YMCA George Williams College and the National Academy for Educational Leadership, we believe your participation could make a significant difference.

The sessions focus on: Impact Leadership, which is not just a theoretical concept; it’s a practical approach that can lead to tangible improvements in the lives of young people. By participating in these sessions, you will not only enhance your own leadership abilities but also contribute to the growth and resilience of the youth sector in Wales.

Training and Support Needs for High-Quality Collaboration Monitoring and Evaluation of Youth Work Practices in Wales

Date: 11th September 2024

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Microsoft Teams

Key Details:

– Gain insights into best practices for monitoring and evaluation in youth work.

– Understand the essential tools and techniques for high-quality evaluation.

– Network with professionals committed to enhancing youth services in Wales.


Join us for an enlightening session focused on the training needs for high-quality monitoring and evaluation of youth work practices across Wales. Enhance your skills and contribute to the effective assessment of youth initiatives.

Reserve Your Place Now or Email For More Information

Reflecting on Impact Leadership in Youth Work Practices Across Wales

Date: 13th November 2024

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Microsoft Teams

Key Details:

– Explore leadership strategies that drive impactful youth work.

– Engage in discussions on overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities in youth leadership.

– Connect with peers and experts to share experiences and best practices.


Reflect on the current state of leadership in youth work practices across Wales and discover how to impact your organisation significantly. This session will help you develop effective leadership strategies and foster a culture of excellence.

Registrations details coming soon!

Transformative Outcomes to empower the future of Young People’s Participation in Wales

Date: 15th January 2025

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Microsoft Teams

Key Details:

– Understand the impact of meaningful youth participation.

– Learn methods to engage young people effectively in decision-making.

– Discover case studies showcasing successful youth involvement initiatives.


Join us for a transformative session on enhancing young people’s participation in Wales. Discover effective approaches and strategies to foster meaningful youth engagement and achieve impactful outcomes.

Registrations details coming soon!

Diversify and Amplify Youth Voices to Provide High-Quality Improvement in Youth Opportunities Across Wales

Date: 12th March 2025

Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Microsoft Teams

Key Details:

– Explore the role of youth voice in improving youth opportunities.

– Learn how to integrate young people’s perspectives into policy and practice effectively.

– Network with professionals dedicated to enhancing youth participation.


This session will focus on the critical role of youth voice in driving high-quality improvements in youth opportunities across Wales. Learn how to create platforms for young people to express their views and influence decisions that affect them.


Registration details coming soon!

Past Events

Defining Impact Leadership

We embarked on a journey to define Impact Leadership:

1. Understanding Impact Leadership: We explored what Impact Leadership meant to you and how it translated to the youth sector in Wales.

2. Challenges on Our Path: We identified and discussed the challenges we faced in achieving impactful leadership within the sector.

3. Identifying Needs: Collaboratively, we pinpointed the resources and support we needed to overcome these challenges and drive Impact Leadership.

4. Self-Assessment: We engaged in a self-assessment tool to evaluate our leadership strengths and areas for improvement.

Impact and Measurement

Here we delved into the practical aspects of measuring and improving our impact:

1. Measuring Impact: We explored methodologies and best practices for effectively measuring the impact of our work.

2. Continuous Improvement: We discussed strategies for consistently enhancing impact measurement and adapting to evolving needs.

Articulating Impact

Our next session focused on communicating and utilising the impact we created:

1. Methods of Practice: Voices from the Sector: We learned how to articulate our impact using a language that inspires change and influence.

2. Influence and Outreach: We discovered effective ways to leverage our impact to influence and connect with stakeholders, partners, and the wider community.