Event: ReachOut – Tackling Youth Loneliness in Wales

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Dros yr wyth mis diwethaf mae Youth Cymru wedi bod yn rhedeg prosiect o’r enw ReachOut, a ariennir gan y Co-op Foundation i helpu taclo unigrwydd mewn ieuenctid yng Nghymru. Mae gennym ddau hwb, YMCA Abertawe ac YMCA Barry sy’n gweithio gyda 15 o bobl ifanc sydd mewn perygl o fod yn unig ac ynysig. Cymerodd y bobl ifanc ran mewn gweithdai unigrwydd ieuenctid a chyflwynodd brosiect gweithredu cymdeithasol i’w cymuned i godi ymwybyddiaeth a’r taclo unigrwydd mewn ieuenctid yn eu cymuned.

Daeth YMCA Abertawe â chymunedau gwahanol at ei gilydd ar gyfer parti Nadolig! Ifanc, hen, ffoaduriaid, BAME, LGBT, pobl ddigartref a gofalwyr ifanc oedd rhai o’r grwpiau gwahanol a fynychodd, gan roi profiad gwych iddynt dros gyfnod yr ŵyl i gwrdd â ffrindiau newydd a theimlo’n llai unig.

Creodd YMCA Y Barri hosanau Nadolig ar gyfer pobl ifanc ddigartref yng Nghaerdydd, gan ddarparu sanau, pethau ymolchi, croeseiriau a gweithgareddau eraill a hanfodion. Rhoddodd hyn rywbeth i bobl ifanc digartref agor yn ystod y Nadolig.

Daw’r prosiect i ben ym mis Mawrth a bydd ein digwyddiad ReachOut, taclo unigrwydd mewn ieuenctid yng Nghymru, yn ddathliad o’r gwaith a wnaeth pobl ifanc o’r prosiect a hefyd cyfle i weithwyr proffesiynol ddeall mwy am unigrwydd ieuenctid gyda’n siaradwyr arbenigol. Byddwn yn edrych ar ystadegau, profiadau a phrosiectau yn ymwneud ag unigrwydd ieuenctid, gan roi cyfle ichi ofyn cwestiynau, rhwydweithio gyda’r arbenigwyr a meddwl am yr hyn y gallech ei wneud i helpu i daclo’r broblem gynyddol hon yng Nghymru.

Archebwch nawr gan fod llefydd yn gyfyngedig. Bydd cinio yn cael ei ddarparu.


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Over the last 8 months Youth Cymru have been running a project called Reach Out, funded by the Co-op Foundation to help tackle youth loneliness in Wales. We have two hubs, YMCA Swansea and YMCA Barry who are working with 15 young people who are or at risk of being lonely and isolated. The young people took part in youth loneliness workshops and delivered a social action project to their community to raise awareness and tackle youth loneliness in their community.

YMCA Swansea brought different communities together for a Christmas party! Young, old, refugees, BAME, LGBT, homeless and young carers were just some of the different groups of people who attend the night, giving them a great experience over the festival period to meet new friends and to feel less lonely.

YMCA Barry created stockings for homeless young people in Cardiff, providing them with socks, toiletries, crosswords and other activities and essentials. This gave the homeless young people something to open at Christmas.

The project will come to an end in March and our Reach Out, tackling youth loneliness in Wales event will be a celebration of the work the young people from the Reach Out Project did and also an opportunity for professionals to understand more about youth loneliness with our expert speakers. We will be looking at statistics, experiences and projects around youth loneliness giving you opportunities to ask questions, network with the experts and think about what you could do to help tackle this growing problem in Wales.

Please book on now as spaces are limited. Lunch will be provided.


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