Arian Am Oes

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Arian am Oes


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What is Money for Life?

Money for Life is delivered by Youth Cymru in partnership with UK Youth and The Mix. The project is funded by Lloyds Banking Group to inspire a generation to make the most of their money.

Join thousands of young people across the UK in our Money Masterclasses – giving 16-25 year olds practical money skills to feel cash confident.


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Money for Life Training Days

January 2018


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The programme comprises of…

The Money For Life website, where young people can find expert money advice, online training and support forums.

Face-to-face peer education training to provide practical Money Masterclasses to young people across the UK.

An innovative app, Pennies to Pounds, helping young people create a savings goal and reach it with motivational money saving tips and support.

24/7 helpline and 1-2-1 web chat providing support and signposting to young people who may find themselves in a financial crisis.

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If you have any questions about the programme, or are interested delivery of the Money for Life Project and require further information call 01443 827840

Find out more by visiting or by following @MoneyForLifeUK on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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Intereswted in being a part of Money For Life?

We are looking for Organisation around the whole of Wales to be apart of Money for Life – you can :

  1. Become a Money for Life Hub – be funded to deliver this resourceful programme to young people in your area
  2. Have Youth Cymru delivering to your young people direct

Please show your interest below

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