Aspiring Champions

Aspiring Champions Cardiff Project supports high-risk young men aged 18-25 over 12 months who are homeless/at risk of homelessness and have been involved in the criminal justice system in Cardiff.

The programme

This innovative partnership led by Youth Cymru, with South Wales Police and St Giles Trust intensively supports young men who have been involved in and/or are escaping criminal exploitation, county lines, gangs, and entrapment, to break the cycle of exploitation by raising confidence, providing mentoring, gaining skills and qualifications and raising their aspirations to ultimately become capable of surviving the ‘real world’, and creating stability to move into their own home. 

By escaping exploitation and chaotic lifestyles, these young men improve their chances to identify a home and improve their life chances. With the support of a part-time specialist worker who has lived experience of the criminal justice system, these young men now have a lifeline out of criminality and homelessness.

South Wales Police identify these young men who now benefit from a mentor helping them to break the exploitation cycle. Additionally, another part-time specialist supports with access to training, employment, mental health, housing, substance misuse support/networking. 


  • We will work together to create goals for the future 
  • If needed, we will support you with healthcare appointments such as doctors and opticians 
  • Together we will create organisation and structure within everyday life 
  • If your relationships with family members and friends have broken down, we can work together towards rebuilding these important relationship 
  • We know how important transportation is so that you can complete daily tasks and requirements so we will help you get the right transportation in place 
  • Your local community has plenty of resources availble to support you on your journey, we can introduce you to these and more importantly help you find the right ones 
  • Working together we can improve your living conditions, such as decluttering your home and creating cleaning rotas to follow 
  • When it comes to your job and career, we can support you secure the right opportunities and make sure that you are prepared for this 
  • Training and education programmes are available, we can help you find the right course for you and your future goals. 

Aspiring Champions Journey

Read a recent story here

Aspiring Champion


Aspiring Champions Journey

Read a recent story here

Case Study