The Charity  was founded in approximately 1920, orginally as the Welsh Association of Youth Clubs. During the years since, it has played a fundamental and leading role in developing and supporting both the voluntary and statutory youth service in Wales. We continue to play this leading role linking grass roots delivery with strategic operations. The name Youth Cymru was adopted in 1995 when as well as having a charitable status we became a ltd. company. In this comtemporary context, our role is to research, identify and respond to the needs of young people, and those working with them; developing and delivering progammes and projects that contribute to young peoples’ development, potential and participation in broad and diverse youth work and youth support contexts. We do this pan Wales using our strong network of both organisational and individual membership, which enables our projects and programmes a national context and application. Youth Cymru works in both a statutory and voluntary environment, as well as in partnership with private and public organisations; striving to best enhance the life experiences and opportunities of all young people across Wales.

Core to our mission is our belief that youth work can change young people’s lives for the better. We do this in part by promoting the widest possible range of experiences and activities to young people, working directly with them and through our member organisations. Members work in every local authority area in Wales (in voluntary and statutory settings), concentrated in the most deprived communities. We work in partnership with similar youth organisations across the UK and Ireland;  our partnership with Youth Scotland, UK Youth, Youth Action Northern Ireland and Youth Work Ireland forms our Five Nations Partnership with whom we  have an agreed Concordat, which provides us with a framework for delivery on priorities agreed by this British Irish Strategic Partnership. These relationships enable us to develop strong links with major corporate partners, including Starbucks, Lloyds, Barclays and UPS, bringing valuable additional resources into youth work in Wales. Youth Cymru is also an active member of the European Confederation of Youth Clubs allowing us to develop relationships with our European partners and work to ensure youth work in Wales is understood and recognised at a European level.


Youth Cymru seeks to support and enable young people in becoming effective citizens through appropriate educational and developmental activities. We place youth participation at the heart of what we do and facilitate the involvement of young people in decision making at all levels, both within our organisation and in other youth organisations and the communities in which they live. In all activities Youth Cymru promotes equality of opportunity and has due regard for the Principles and Purposes of Youth Work in Wales as enshrined in our history as a leading national Welsh youth organsiation. We adhere to the UN Convention on Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011,  the Children and Young People’s National Participation Standards, and ensure our work is aligned with the aims and purposes of youth work as set out in  the National Youth Work Strategy for Wales 2019.

Our Vision and Our Work

We believe that young people are citizens and rights holders and all our work is underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, in line with the Rights of Children and Young Person’s Measure (Wales) 2011.

We work to enable young people in Wales to be confident and strong, empowered to fulfil their potential and to contribute to build the Wales that they want and deserve. We are for all young people in Wales, and for all those organisations, volunteers and professional staff, who support them.

We believe that youth work changes lives for the better. We know that youth work has huge potential to bring profound beneficial changes to the worlds of young people in Wales and the youth work sector can contribute hugely to a number of national policy priorities.

We are committed to equality and inclusion; we challenge prejudice and discrimination and seek to educate and develop understanding and insight in communities of the value of diversity, with the aim of bringing about better and best practice.

We believe that youth work has a vital role to play in building the Wales we want, and we shape our work to ensure it contributes to the seven Well-being Goals set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

We recognise the value of working with and through a network of local and regional organisations that support young people throughout Wales. These are primarily statutory and voluntary youth work organisations, but include other organisations supporting young people, such as training providers, youth offending services and alternative curriculum provisions. Many of our member organisations are based in Wales’ poorest communities as defined by the Wales Index of Multiple Deprivation.

We values communities of good practice and work in partnership collaborating with our members and with others to support young people in Wales.

We work with and through our British/Irish Strategic Youth Partnership, linking with our partners Youth Scotland, Youth Work Ireland, Youth Action Northern Ireland and UK Youth; to improve the lives of young people across Britain and Ireland. We learn and share that learning with our members, from youth work practice and experience across Europe through our membership of the European Confederation of Youth Clubs (ECYC).

Our work is shaped and led by what young people tell us about what they want and need and aspire to have. We embed youth participation at all levels and seek to always empower young people working alongside them valuing their input, skills, ability and enabling their potential.

Our Values

The values that underpin our approach and work include:

Diversity: Young people are unique, and those individual differences are of great value, to be respected and be central to all that we do.

Equality: Young people have the right to an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives, talents and strengths.

Inclusion: Young people have different needs and approaches to identifying solution to their challenges. Responding personally and individually at a pace and in a way that respects their individuality is essential.

Opportunity: Opportunities enable authentic creativity and growth; they are essential to learning, vital for developing self-expression, self-confidence and problem solving.

Achievement: Young people have the potential to achieve great things and to live fulfilling, meaningful and positive lives.

Celebration: Celebration creates a sense of community, belonging and well-being allowing for the showcasing of the strength and potential of young people to each other, themselves and their communities.

Participation: Young people are creative partners in our vision and work – the Children and Young People’s National Participation Standards for Wales, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Rights of Children and Young Person’s Measure (Wales) 2011 underpin all our activities


Youth Cymru is governed by a board of trustees, which normally comprises:

  • the chair
  • the treasurer
  • up to seven elected trustees
  • three appointed trustees.

The trustee board appoints a vice chair from among the trustees.

Youth Cymru also has a Resources Committee which meets two weeks prior to every Trustee Board Meeting to review the budget and any resource related issues, reporting to the Trustee Board.

We are looking to refresh, grow our board and diversify our skill set. In this respect we have more than one vacancy and are looking for individuals who are innovative, positive and creative and feel they have something of value to contribute to Youth Cymru’s future direction, development and growth. We are particularly interested to hear from people with  backgrounds and experience in finance, marketing, fundraising, IT, digital strategic development, project management and youth work; however, equally we would also welcome applicants with other levels and areas of expertise, including those who do not have formal qualifications or work experience. Training and support for the right candidates will be provided.


We aim to reflect the communities we work in and are keen to hear from people who are from groups who are currently underrepresented within our board, including people with a BAME background, women, individuals with a disability or impairment and LGBT.

The Role of Trustee

The Charities Act 2011 defines charity trustees as those responsible under the charity's governing document for controlling the administration and management of the charity. The role of the trustee board is to receive assets from donors, safeguard them and apply them to the charitable purposes of Youth Cymru. The trustee board must always act in the best interests of Youth Cymru, exercising the same standard of duty of care that a prudent person would apply if looking after the affairs of someone for whom they have responsibility. The trustee board must act as a group and not as individuals. In addition to being a registered charity, Youth Cymru is a company limited by guarantee, and Youth Cymru trustees are registered as directors at Companies House.


The Charity Commission specifies why some individuals can’t act as charity trustees, to find out more visit Please note that as part of the recruitment process you will be asked to sign a declaration of your eligibility.

Duties/role of a trustee board member

The statutory duties of a trustee board member are to:

  • ensure that Youth Cymru complies with its governing document (its Articles of Association), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations
  • ensure that Youth Cymru pursues its objects as defined in its governing document
  • ensure Youth Cymru applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects. For example, it must not spend money on activities which are not included in the objects, however worthwhile they may be
  • contribute actively to the board of trustees by giving firm strategic direction to Youth Cymru, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance against agreed targets
  • safeguard the good name and values of Youth Cymru
  • ensure the financial stability of Youth Cymru.

In addition to the above statutory duties, each trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have, using this expertise to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions. This may involve leading discussions, identifying key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, and evaluating or offering advice on other areas in which the individual trustee has particular expertise.

This is a voluntary role and trustees receive no remuneration. Reasonable out of pocked expenses can be claimed, in line with Youth Cymru’s expense policy, for attendance at board meetings and other Youth Cymru events necessary for the fulfilment the trustee’s duties.

Minimum time commitment

Youth Cymru would normally expect trustees to commit at least five days each year for board meetings, with additional time for reading papers and other communications. Other events, such as our annual conference and AGM, will increase this commitment.

The Board of Trustees meets on a quarterly basis (for approximately 3 hours) and also holds an Annual General Meeting.  Face to face meetings usually take place at Youth Cymru's offices in Upper Boat, Pontypridd,  however as a national charity covering the whole of Wales applicants from other parts of the country will be welcomed and it is possible to attend a proportion of meetings digitally via video conference, if attendance in person is prohibited.

We also have a Finance and Resources subcommittee that meets quarterly to discuss and have oversight of the finances and resources of the organisation, reporting to the Board at the quarterly meetings.

Our Board of Trustees includes 4 Young Trustee who are members of our Llais Ifanc young leaders’ group, and represent the voice, need, aims and perspectives of their peers and young people from our membership organisations.

Application Process

To arrange an informal chat to find out more contact Mel at  or call 01443 827840 to arrange a time to speak.

The Application Form and Equal Opportunities Monitoring form is included in the Application Pack and can be completed using the online Microsoft form below or by retuning a completed word document via email to

Person specification

Each trustee must have:

  • a commitment to the mission of Youth Cymru
  • a willingness to meet the minimum time requirement
  • integrity
  • strategic vision
  • good, independent judgement
  • an ability to think creatively
  • a willingness to speak their mind
  • an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
  • an ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of Youth Cymru.


The board of trustees collectively needs skills and experience in the following areas.

  • Financial management, income generation and enterprise
  • Public policy and public affairs
  • National and local voluntary sector
  • The different needs of small, medium and large voluntary organisations
  • National and local government and statutory bodies
  • Delivering digital products and services
  • Human resource management
  • Volunteering leadership and management
  • Evaluation and impact reporting.