It Triggers Me


20-30 mins


14-19 years





What makes us feel lonely or isolated and how to respond to those triggers.


To support young people’s understanding of how things and events in their life can make them feel isolated or lonely. For them to understand these triggers and how to act and respond through a series of statements where the young people must decide to ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘strongly disagree.’


The young person will be more resilient to event/life changes.

The young person will feel part of a wider community that values their contribution.




Activity instructions


Activity Plan:





Let the young people know that there is an invisible line that they must cross and that their only answer can either be ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘strongly disagree.’ – Ensure that young people are aware that there is no right or wrong answer.


Introduce closed questions?  And the difference with open questions


The task is for the young people to decide on how they feel and think about the statements on the day and must make up their own mind: - make them aware that this may change tomorrow, and this is OK.


Have the young people to be aware of their surroundings what is in the game space and what is not – there needs to be a centre / or divider in the room this could be a mark on the wall or on the floor.


When the young people are ready read the following statements and ask the young people to stand on the line, remind them they cannot stay there: (Closed Questions)


  • Young people feel under pressure to join in.
  • My friends effect how I feel.
  • I am happy to be on my own.
  • Social media connects me to my friends and family.
  • I do not like people who act or look different to me.
  • Mental health issues are not taken seriously.
  • Anyone can feel lonely.
  • You and be isolated if you do not have the internet at home.
  • I can travel far to see my friends and it does not take me long.
  • More to be added…


Where there are divided options, it is a good point to get the young people to think about the differences and make a comment on why they choose ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘strongly disagree.’ Again, remind young people of the boundaries and that there is no right or wrong answer.


When the young people are split into ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘strongly disagree.’ They become a group.


Ask the group - Ask each group to think of the best three reasons to justify their position.


‘Strongly agree’ would typically go first but unsure that it is not the same young people in each group each time.


RE - thinking: When majority of points have been discussed, ask everyone to stand back at the line and re-think their original decision light of the points made by all groups. Young people can now Change or keep their response.


Finisher: Take a few minutes to discuss what was powerful within the session, the importance of no answer was right and changing your mind is an important outcome and listening to young people’s voice.





Here are some examples you can use to help young people evaluate the project themselves, and help support their emotional development and self-awareness.

Adaptations include digital

Make it easier

Provide less statements, create some pros and cons to each statement to support young people who may struggle to think about their decision.

Add an Undecided Group

The undecided group should move towards or away ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘strongly disagree. ‘Based on the other groups arguments.

Make it harder

Ask young people to use additional cards to create their own statements to ask the group.


After each question, have the group talk about the decision they made.


Please feel free to download the activity resources. All documents are editable and can be adapted for your bespoke session.