- Understand social media and how it can affect change.
- Understand how to keep own self and others safe.
- Be able to create a social media strategy.
The training will cover...
- Examples of different types of social media.
- Different ways that social media can help society change.
- Keeping an individual safe whilst using social media.
- Personal actions if feeling unsafe whilst using social media.
- Definition of the term “social change”.
- Subjects that you feel would benefit from social change.
- How social media could be used to affect change
Tutor- Anna Arrieta

Anna is the Projects and Youth Work Coordinator at Youth Cymru. She has a passion for digital work and social media content creation, and is the creator and host of YOUTHPOD- our Youth Cymru Podcast.
Anna brings vast experience to the facilitation of this course from her previous development of Agored unit quaifications, YAA qualifications, and delivery to both young people and youth facing professionals across Wales.