Renewable Futures


Programme Overview

Join Us in Empowering the Next Generation to Lead the Fight Against Climate Change

Our Mission: Our innovative project aims to actively involve and mobilise young people in Wales to proactively combat climate change through impactful waste reduction initiatives. Join us to make a difference!

Our Goals:

  • Education and Empowerment: Provide comprehensive education and new understanding that empower young people aged 11-25 in Wales with the necessary knowledge and practical skills essential for spearheading and leading community-driven projects.
  • Youth Action Hubs: Get involved through our Youth Climate Action Hubs. As a hub leader, you'll recruit and inspire young champions, deliver impactful sustainability workshops, lead social action projects, and participate in our digital advocacy campaign.
  • Digital Advocacy Campaign: Join our digital campaign to raise widespread awareness about the critical importance of waste reduction and lifestyle/cultural change, reaching and engaging online across Wales.
  • Social Action Projects: Develop and oversee practical community projects focusing on sustainable lifestyle changes, promoting behaviours such as reusing, repairing, and repurposing materials.

How to get involved?

Youth Climate Action Hub

Join us and be at the forefront of combating climate change with young people in Wales. You'll gain access to resources like our Climate Change Session Toolkit, guidance from experienced staff, and financial resources for your projects. We are committed to creating engaging and interactive sustainability toolkits for our Youth Climate Action hubs to deliver, offering young people hands-on learning experiences. These workshops will serve as a dynamic platform for young people to acquire new skills and develop a deep understanding of the importance of environmental sustainability, fostering a strong sense of ownership and commitment to climate action initiatives.   APPLY HERE

Lead the Change in Your Community

We are dedicated to empowering and encouraging young participants to lead and oversee practical community projects with a key focus on developing community lifestyle change. By fostering collaborative partnerships with schools, local businesses, and community groups in Wales, we aim to provide a platform for young co-producers from each location to lead workshops and hands-on initiatives within local youth clubs and community organisations. These youth-led projects will actively promote and encourage sustainable behaviours, emphasising the significance of reusing, repairing, and repurposing materials, thereby creating a ripple effect of positive environmental stewardship within the communities.

Join Our Digital Advocacy Campaign

Our overarching goal is to raise widespread awareness about the critical importance of waste reduction and lifestyle/cultural change through the implementation of an engaging and dynamic digital campaign that resonates with communities in Wales. Leveraging the power of various online platforms and social media channels, we seek to create a digital campaign group to support our online reach and engagement with young individuals, inspiring them to adopt environmentally sustainable practices as part of their daily lives. Through this digital advocacy campaign, we aim to catalyse a significant behavioural shift, encouraging and motivating the youth to actively embrace and adopt environmentally sustainable lifestyles.