The personal and social education (PSE) qualifications support key educational policy areas of the Welsh Government including the Personal and Social Education Framework for 7 to 19-year-olds in Wales.
The qualifications meet the five different themes within the framework:
- active citizenship
- health and emotional well-being
- moral and spiritual development
- preparing for lifelong learning
- sustainable development
- global citizenship.
The qualifications support learners to increase their skills and knowledge to improve their personal and social development and emotional health and wellbeing. This ensures that young people become equipped and confident individuals so that they can effectively and successfully live in a fast changing society and fulfil their ambitions
Learners using these qualifications will be prepared for living their lives so that they can be healthy, confident, resilient and skilled individuals within their local and national community
Within the PSE Qualification you are able to choose from a variety of subjects that meets the learners needs. These units are available from Entry Level 1 to Level 2.