Funded over the years by Money Advice Service and then Natwest Skills & Opportunities Fund, Youth Cymru is running a financial capability project to explore what works in developing the financial capability of young adults aged 16-24. This project will look at how young people can be supported to increase their financial capability and develop confidence and attitudes that will help them to make better decisions, plan better for the future and manage their money when they leave home or live independently.

Money Smart
The project will involve young people across Wales in receiving financial capability training, giving their views and informing the development of a Youth Cymru Financial capability Toolkit which will take account of the types of information young people say will help them to improve their financial capability, particularly in the transition to independent living.

Within the project we developed the Money Smart Toolkit. A Toolkit wrote by young people for young people to help change attitudes towards financial capability through active, creative and fun workshops.
We launched the toolkit to Practitioners throughout Wales, the day consist of launching our findings around what works with young people and financial capability training and speeches from the Money Advice Service along with other funders.
Attendees received a printed version of the Toolkit along with other resources and took part in some of the workshops within the Toolkit.

What young people are saying about the project…
“I feel the project overall is going very well we have already introduced ourselves to the three ITEC centres and are planning to revisit for a consultation. The project has already greatly improved my confidence with talking to new people and steadily increasing my financial knowledge. I have gone through a number of accredited courses to improve myself ready for the future. Team working is a major factor of our project and as such has improved my team working skills, previously I rarely worked with anyone else even in teams I tended to work alone but I’m working more and more with others since starting this project.”