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Ydych chi’n gwybod am rhywyn rhwng 16-24 blwydd oed a all defnyddio hyd at £1000 i redeg prosiect gweithredu cymdeithasol?


A ydych yn gweithio gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 16 – 24 oed sydd ddim mewn addysg neu gyflogaeth? Hoffech chi i’w cefnogi i gynnal rhaglen gweithredu gymdeithasol gyda chyllid o hyd at £ 1000, gyda chyfraniad ychwanegol ar gyfer cefnogaeth gweithwyr ieuenctid?

Mae Gweithredu Ieuenctid Starbucks yn ysbrydoli, grymuso ac yn cefnogi pobl ifanc i wneud gwahaniaeth yn eu cymunedau drwy wneud cais am gyllid hyd at £ 1000 i gael eu prosiectau oddi ar y ddaear. Yn 2014, cawsom brosiectau llwyddiannus yng Nghymru, megis gŵyl gerddoriaeth hyrwyddo’r iaith Gymraeg, prosiect a rhoddodd sgiliau hwylio a diogelwch dŵr i bobl ifanc a phrosiect cymunedol rhwng cenedlaethau.

I wneud cais, bydd angen dau o bobl ifanc i arwain y prosiect ac yn ymgysylltu â 50 o bobl ifanc bellach drwy gydol y prosiect. Bydd angen y bobl ifanc fod rhwng 16 a 24 oed ac mae angen iddynt gael gweithiwr ieuenctid / mudiad hyfforddiant er mwyd eu cefnogi drwy gydol y prosiect.

Rydym yn chwilio am brosiectau sy’n darparu budd cadarnhaol i’r gymuned leol ac i wella  cyflogadwyedd i’r arweinwyr a sgiliau arweinyddiaeth .

I gefnogi pobl ifanc trwy eu prosiect byddant yn cael mynediad i App a allwch lawrlwytho er mwyn cadw golwg ar y prosiect ar gyflawniadau tra’n eu cefnogi gyda’r gwaith o gynllunio a chyflwyno eu prosiect gweithredu cymdeithasol.

Bydd pob gweithiwr sy’n cefnogi’r bobl ifanc yn derbyn copi o’n pecyn cymorth cyflogadwyedd i redeg drwy sesiynau cyflogaeth barod a’r pecyn Uned Arweinyddiaeth QCF, a fydd yn darparu gweithgareddau a chofnodi dogfennau ar gyfer y person ifanc i gwblhau i ennill eu huned QCF mewn Arweinyddiaeth. Yn ogystal, bydd pobl ifanc yn cael mynediad at swyddi gwag a phrentisiaeth yn y Gadwyn Starbucks Coffee.

Mae’r rhaglen yn canolbwyntio’n bennaf ar bobl ifanc sydd ddim mewn addysg na gwaith, ond bydd ceisiadau cryf gan ymgeiswyr eraill yn cael eu hystyried.

Mae rhaglen hon yn barhaus tan mis Mawrth 2016.

I wneud cais am Gweithredu Ieuenctid Starbucks, cwblhewch y cais ar-lein: https://youthcymru.formstack.com/forms/sbuxyouthaction

Gyda’r ffurflen ar-lein mae’n rhaid i chi hefyd lawrlwytho a chwblhau’r Templed Cyllideb SYA a’i chyflwyno gyda’ch ffurflen gais. Fel arall, gallwch lawrlwytho’r ffurflen gais dogfen word:  Starbucks Youth Action Application Form 2015

Am fwy o wybodaeth, cysylltwch rachel@youthcymru.org.uk

[av_tab title=’Prosiectau a Ariennir 2014′ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-42infk’]
We are delighted to have been able to fund 11 Starbucks Youth Action projects across Wales this year.

Kayak Safari, Clear Streams
The kayak safaris will take place on a weekly basis during the summer holidays, for 60 16-24 year olds. We will be pausing at various locations along the River Tawe, Swansea, where we will discuss local environmental concerns, what organisations such as Clear Streams are doing to improve these, and finally identify wildlife in the local area. Swansea is currently failing to achieve ‘good’ status under the European Water Framework Directive. We believe that although a great deal of time and financial resources could be put into treating water pollution, a more sustainable, long term approach to reducing water pollution is to target communities at the source. This project will provide the young people involved with a connection to their water environment.

Young Farmers

Dance Leaders, Newport
Promote and increase the interest in dance within local communities and provide opportunities for young people to participate and learn new skills, getting the chance to put to use their level one dance leaders qualification. The project will help to identify the individuals who are dedicated, ambitious and driven enough to overcome the challenges they will face over the period of 12 weeks, highlighting within the right provision the young people can achieve job opportunities within their chosen creative professions, encouraging the young people to be both good and active citizens, engendering self-respect and respect for others.

Wick Across the Ages

HEALTH, Cwmbran Centre for Young People
To provide a healthy living and fitness project that will help young people who are on a low income or living alone. This project aims to show young people how they can make healthy meals that will last 2-3 days instead of buying fast food. Also this project will show young people that fitness is not just about exercise but it can be fun and educational as well. We will provide workshops such as cookery, Zumba, veg patch and many more, we want to bring this out into the community so that anyone can join.

Revamped, Randomz
Revamped is a unique project that will take donations of good quality furniture too good to waste. We will redesign, repair and revamp new life into old re-decorating individual bespoke pieces, creating skills based opportunities, trading the pieces, taking orders and creating an identity. We will customise and redecorate using colour, stencil and effects creating an individual one off design. We can engage a wide range of skills at a variety of levels and speciality talents.

Celtic Clothes, Randomz
Celtic Clothing’ is a unique project with the aim to upcycle clothing, addressing money saving and economic value. We are extremely challenged in this current environment with high unemployment and increasing prices on designer ‘label’ clothing with more pressure to ‘fit in’. We want to create quality clothes whilst saving money. We will take good quality materials from Charity shops or our own wardrobes use the material, buttons, zips, lace, etc to redesign our own unique pieces. We have learnt valuable specialist skills in sewing, designing, repairing, recycling and production. We will upcycle and re-cycle clothing to gain skills, save money, build confidence, create identity and represent young people in a positive light.

Organised Kaos
We will purchase extensive high quality Aerial and Rigging Equipment in order to provide young people with the skills needed to teach and perform circus skills, enabling them to gain meaningful employment through the circus industry. Young people in this area need a platform to help them develop personal and professional attributes, something that is lacking in this area of deprivation.

Summer School, 3Gs Merthyr Tydfil
We will be providing activities for 80 young people during the summer holidays. This will benefit the parents as there will be fewer arguments at home and the youths will be ready to learn when they go back to school so schools will benefit. We will be working with local agencies and communities. Our aims are to bring the local community together, young people will meet new friends and it will help them with transition between year groups when they go back to school. We will recruit more volunteers there will be less boredom and anti-social behaviour.

July Festival, Colwyn Bay

Sail Away, Rhuddlan Environment Connection Group
Sea and river survival, danger points and to learn about the risks, spot danger and keep safe. Pass on the learning skills to local children. Inform them about safe water fun, new projects with kayaking, sailing safe in Rhyl. It’s all organised with volunteers from both groups. We have 6 more young members waiting for us to pass our RYA and become volunteers at the lake in Rhyl and here in Rhuddlan.

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