Youth Work Week 2017 will take place between June 23 and June 30 with many events taking place across the country. A national event to showcase youth work in Wales will take place on Tuesday June 27, 10:30-3pm, in the Senedd. The event will showcase the breadth of youth work and examples of the wide range of excellent projects that are delivered across Wales.

If you use social media, please show your support by signing up to the Thunderclap You can also use the hashtags #LoveYouthWork and #CaruGwaithIeuenctid to share your activity during Youth Work Week and throughout the year.

Bydd Wythnos Gwaith Ieuenctid 2017 yn digwydd rhwng 23 Mehefin a 30 Mehefin. Bydd llawer o ddigwyddiadau’n cael eu cynnal ledled y wlad. Cynhelir digwyddiad cenedlaethol i arddangos gwaith ieuenctid yng Nghymru ar ddydd Mawrth 27 yn y Senedd. Bydd y digwyddiad yn gyfle gwych ar gyfer y rhai sydd yn gweithio’n agos gyda phobl ifanc i arddangos ehangder gwaith ieuenctid ac enghreifftiau o’r amrywiaeth eang o brosiectau rhagorol sy’n cael eu darparu ledled Cymru.